Forum Geschichte

Forum Geschichte - cover of the teacher materials Forum Geschichte - schoolbook cover Forum Geschichte - spine overview Forum Geschichte - schoolbook cover Forum Geschichte - schoolbook: start of chapter Forum Geschichte - schoolbook: inside Forum Geschichte - CD label Forum Geschichte - logo Forum Geschichte - workbook cover Forum Geschichte - workbook: inside Kursbuch Geschichte - cover of schoolbook for senior classes

Forum Geschichte

A new look for the well-established textbook series “Forum Geschichte”.

Development of the product brand; design and implementation of the different cover series: schoolbook, supporting materials for teachers, workbook and other materials; design and implementation of CD labels and USB sticks; design concept for the inner pages of schoolbook and workbook.

since 2012


Design of schoolbooks

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In der Zahnarztpraxis
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Mathe FHR
Geschichte Gesellschaft konkret
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Denk(t)räume wagen
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Die junge DaF-Bibliothek
Die DaF-Bibliothek
Schwerpunktthema Abitur Englisch
Trainingskurs Mathematik
Kunst entdecken
Kunst entdecken Oberstufe
Das antike Rom
Forum Latein
Res Romanae compact