In der Zahnarztpraxis

In der Zahnarztpraxis – Behandlungsassistenz and Specialised dictionary, cover In der Zahnarztpraxis – Behandlungsassistenz, inner pages In der Zahnarztpraxis – Exam preparation, cover In der Zahnarztpraxis – Organisation und Verwaltung, inner pages In der Zahnarztpraxis – Handle register In der Zahnarztpraxis – Year of apprenticeship 1–3, cover In der Zahnarztpraxis – Behandlungsassistenz, Handle register In der Zahnarztpraxis – Table of contents In der Zahnarztpraxis – Organisation und Verwaltung, cover In der Zahnarztpraxis – Entry to learning field In der Zahnarztpraxis – Year of apprenticeship 1, cover

Treatment assistance, organisation and administration & Co.

Textbook series for dental assistants from the vocational training division of Cornelsen Verlag. Design development of the cover series and the inner pages layout, realisation of the covers and template creation for the inner pages.

9 volumes


Design of schoolbooks

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Die junge DaF-Bibliothek
Die DaF-Bibliothek
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